Shoring & Shielding

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OSHA Trenching and Excavation Requirements

OSHA requires protective systems to be in place for any trench that is deeper than five feet, unless the excavation occurs in stable rock. Although the standards require intervention for holes deeper than five feet, there is nothing saying you can’t be proactive with trenches that are more shallow than that. Protective systems that meet OSHA standards include sloping, shoring, and shielding. 

Standards require that there is a safe means of egress, which can come in the form of a ladder, steps, and/or ramps that provide a way out of the trench in an emergency. The built-in shelving in most of our trench boxes offers just that. When combined with additional egress methods, your team can feel confident that they won’t be trapped. 

OSHA trenching and excavating regulations also require daily inspections and a designated “competent person” to lead the operation from an OSHA standpoint — essentially acting as an OSHA representative on site. This helps ensure that safety regulations are followed and the site remains as safe as possible for your crew.